This seems like a major bug, we submitted a ticket to apple when 8.0 was released, but neither an answer, nor a fix was delivered since than. There are several articles in stack overflow and other forums about this problem and they mention it is a safari / iOS problem. a minute read (About 129 words) #TIL : [Bug] Input lost focus after typing 1 character in Safari Browser Today my team met a weird bug on Safari browsers (on all Apple devices), that input losts its focus after you type first character. Home | New | Browse | Search | | Reports | Requests | Help | New Account | Log In | Forgot Password.

A short tab on the select input will trigger the focus on the button (Safari browser bug) < / p > < hr / >

Login: Bug 146244 - Tapping *below* some s can focus them in Mobile Safari. TEDx Talks Recommended for you Loading... Unsubscribe from xrayspx? Latest ... put the focus on the input field and tried the bluetooth input it would freeze and eventually crash. Pinging @rniwa, @cdumez, @muan, @tkent-google, @alice, and @bzbarsky as folks who have been involved previously. It does not happen on Android using the Cordova native version. Summary: [Meta] Setting input.value when input has focus is 2x slower than Chrome/Safari → [Meta] Setting input.value when input has focus is 1.5x slower than Chrome/Safari … Bug 146244: Tapping *below* some s can focus them in Mobile Safari. When a read-only date or time input gets focus, surprisingly the native date or time picker pops up and even allows editing the value of the input. If you add " content="user-scalable=no,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1" it will stop auto zooming on input focus, zooming the page with one/two taps are 'less' … On iOS Safari/Chrome with version 12.3.1/12.4/13 TextField (input) fixed Focus and Keyboard appearing as per issues #32763 and #33011 Here are my results. Both Safari and Chrome have the issue. I learned on 2018-11-01 about safari, css, bug.

( I also tried the following. Google Chrome and Safari (WebKit) bug with the HTML5 autofocus attribute Published on Tuesday, November 30, 2010. Today I learned / css. See, even manually calling focus on the element won’t work until the user has interacted with the page. Motivated by w3c/webcomponents#762 and #2013, I've realized we need to fix the shaky spec foundations for focus.I've spent the last couple of days canvasing the open issues and trying to come up with a path forward. Annoying iOS Safari input issues with workarounds. 0:15. This only happens within the Safari environment on a IPhone or IPad.

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